1. My father’s father is my ___________________.
2. My father and mother are my ___________________.
3. My mother’s sister is my ___________________.
4. My mother’s brother is my ___________________.
5. My father’s mother is my ___________________.
6. My aunt’s daughter is my ___________________.
7. My grandmother and grandfather are my ___________________.
8. My mother is my father’s ___________________.
9. My father is my mother’s ___________________.
10. My brother is my parents’ ___________________.
11. My sister is my parents' ___________________.


Ответ дал: 09rianna03


1: grandfather

2. Grandparents

3. Aunts

4. Uncle

5: grandmother

6. Niece

7. Grandfather

8. Wife

9. Husband

10. Son

11. Daughter


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