1. I traveled about Africa last month. 2. Tom stayed at an expensive hotel last summer. 3. Margaret played golf the other day. 4. David swam in the ocean last week. 5. Fred helped about the house during the summer holidays. 6. We visited Greece twice last year. 7. He worked hard in the garden yesterday. 8. Molly watered flowers, plants and veg- etables last Monday. 9. They called a doctor yesterday evening. помогите пожалуста нужно сделать каждый текст в одном из видом вопросов чередуя (загальное, специальное, безособовое, розделовое, альтернативное) к каждому что то одно из ​


Ответ дал: Elisabeth109


1. Did you traveled about Africa last month?

2. Where did Tom stay last Summer?

3. Who did play golf for the other day?

4. Where did David swim in the ocean or in the lake?

5. Did Fred help about the house during the summer holidays?

6. How many times did we visit Greece last year?

7. Did he work hard in the garden yesterday?

8. What did Molly water last Monday?

9. Why did they call a doctor yesterday evening?

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