1)We’ve run out of milk. – Oh, have we? I … (go) and get some. 2) So you’ve moved into your new house. Congratulations! – Thank you. We … (have) a party soon. 3) I’m afraid I can’t come to dinner on Saturday I … (meet) Tim. 4) Josh … (be) five next Tuesdays. 5) It’s raining – we … (have to) take an umbrella. 6) My cousins … (come) to stay with us at the weekend. 7) Look at that car! It … (hit) that tree! 8) I promise I … (not do) that again. 9) Did you hear that the company … (open) a new factory? 10) You look tired. Sit down and I … (make) you a cup of tea. 11) I think there’s someone at the door. – Ok, I … (go) and answer it. 12) … (you / stay) at home this weekend? 13) Kate’s really unhappy at work so she … (look for) a new job soon. 14) She looks really upset. I think she … (cry). 15) I know you’ve got a lot to do so I (try) and help you as much as I can. 16) What … (you / do) when you’ve spent all your money? 17) Kate phoned up. She … (come round) to see us this afternoon. 18) I’m sorry I made you angry. I … (not do) that again. 19) Look at the sky. It … (be) a lovely day today. 20) I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope you … (come back) and see us soon.


Ответ дал: Elisabeth109


1) I'll go

2) We'll have

3) I'll meet

4) Josh will be

5) we have to

6) will come

7) it's hit by

8) I won't do

9) had opened

10) I'll make

11) I'll go

12) Will you stay

13) will look for

14) has cried

15) I'll try

16) will you do

17) will come round

18) won't do

19) it's

20) will come back

you'll we'll I'll и т.п. сокращение you will we will I will

it's сокращение от it is

Ответ дал: orishchukjuliana


1)We’ve run out of milk. – Oh, have we? I will go and get some.

2) So you’ve moved into your new house. Congratulations! – Thank you. We will have (або we’re having)a party soon.

3) I’m afraid I can’t come to dinner on Saturday I will meet(або I am going to meet )Tim.

4) Josh will be five next Tuesdays.

5) It’s raining – we have to take an umbrella.

6) My cousins will come to stay with us at the weekend.

7) Look at that car! It is going to hit that tree!

8) I promise I will not do that again.

9) Did you hear that the company is going to open a new factory?

10) You look tired. Sit down and I will make you a cup of tea.

11) I think there’s someone at the door. – Ok, I will go and answer it.

12) Will you stay at home this weekend?

13) Kate’s really unhappy at work so she is looking for a new job soon.

14) She looks really upset. I think she was crying.

15) I know you’ve got a lot to do so I will try and help you as much as I can.

16) What will you do when you’ve spent all your money?

17) Kate phoned up. She will come round to see us this afternoon.

18) I’m sorry I made you angry. I will not do that again.

19) Look at the sky. It will be a lovely day today.

20) I’m sorry you’re leaving. I hope you will come back and see us soon.


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