write an essay about a famous explorer. You can use textbooks or the Internet. The task can be done in the form of a presentation or an essay


Ответ дал: morgunandrej764


Tired but confident eyes of Christopher Columbus look at me through the centuries. His face still remains a mystery to everyone, but one can guess about his character and strength of will. After all, it was he who inspired the next generation of sailors and brave captains to great discoveries. Fate gave him a direction - west, and he adhered to it, struggling with impending dangers, raging waves, seasickness and inhabitants. A fearless and intelligent man, thanks to whom America was discovered, the Sargasso and the Capitan Sea, as well as the Antilles. Since childhood, he knew that he would connect his life with the sea. His very fate was like an endless ocean, where the discoverer met both difficulties and joys. Christopher Columbus was an unsurpassed leader, he never gave the sailors cause for disappointment. All his life he was an adventure in which he searched and proved. And he found new lands, and proved to the rest that everything is possible, the main thing is not only to want, but also to make efforts to achieve the goal! For Columbus, the discovery of a dream was the price of his own life...

Ответ дал: platonsebua


Напиши про популярного путешественника. Я могу дать идей:

Руаль Амундсен, Роберт Фолкон Скотт, Крисстофер Колумб, Америго Веспуччи. Напиши про годы жизни, детство, поступки, что он сделал в своей жизни и так далее.

1. Выбери путешественника

2. Посмотри его годы жизни

3. Напиши про него

4. Оформление

Write about a popular traveler. I can give ideas:

Roald Amundsen, Robert Falcon Scott, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci. Write about the years of life, childhood, deeds, what he did in his life and so on.

1. Choose a traveler

2. Look at his years of life

3. Write about him

4. Decoration


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