Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form ( Conditionals )
15. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) to keep it?
16. If I had a player typewriter, I (listen) to music.
17. If I (know) her address, I’d write a letter to her.
18. If he worked slowly, he (not/make) so many mis­takes.
19. I could tell you the truth if I (know).
20. He might get fat if he (not/stop) eating much.
21. I (have) a car if I could afford it. 22. What would you do if you (get) stuck between two floors?
23. If he (know) that it was dangerous he wouldn’t come.
24. If I (win) a big money prize, I’d give up my job.​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


15 will you promise 16 would listen 17 knew 18 would not make 19 knew 20 didn’t stop 21 would have 22 got


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