Вставь слова do или does чтобы получились вопросы.
1. When ______ you go to school? –

2. Where ______you like to watch films? -

3. Why ______you speak English? -

4. Where ______ the boys play football? - _

5.What _____ Mary watch on TV in the evening?


Ответ дал: kerry0987
  1. When do you go to school?
  2. Where do you like to watch films?
  3. Why do you speak English?
  4. Where do the boys play football?
  5. What does Mary watch on TV in the evening?

Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. When do you go to school?

2. Where do you like to watch films?

3. Why do you speak English?

4. Where do the boys play football?

5. What does Mary watch on TV in the evening?


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