2 Answer the questions.

1 What did a man, who lived alone in the house, always do?

2 How did he feel and what did he do one day?

3 What were the next nights like?

4 Did he wash up the dishes right away after his eating out of them?

5 What did he find out one night?

6 What was his house like soon?

7 What things couldn't he find? How did he feel?

8 What idea came to his mind?

9 Why was he very tired?

10 What did he decide?

11 Why is he happy at the end of the story?


wwwvvqz: Омайгад фак ю идиот
wwwvvqz: Мне оно тоже нужно
suskomatvij57: Омг оно мене тожє нужно


Ответ дал: mili20202210



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