Напишите предложения три раза, образуя условные предложения 1,2 и 3 типов. 1.Your health (to be) much better if you (to do) your morning exercises. 2. He certainly (to tell) her all about it if she (to ask) him. 3.If you (not to understand) the rule, you (not to write) the test-paper successfully. 4.I (not to do) it if you (not to ask) me. 5. If you (to give) me your address, l (to write) you a letter.


Ответ дал: xzovabaycesem
1 will be , do
2. will tell, asks / would tell , asked
3. don’t understand, won’t
4. won’t do it, don’t ask/ wouldn’t do it, didn’t ask
5. give , will write
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