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Ответ дал: Zelix23
My friend in the England,and that very good

Hoyou: 50-70 worlds
Zelix23: Hi,(пишешь имя друга)
How are things?
I writing to you from (пишешь свою школу),I was moved to other school.And things are going great here.This schools has everything for studying or for your circumstantes.I’m really inspired by this school,as I said,there’s absolutely everithing,I really glad,that I moved from my old school to there.
Goodbye,your dear (пишешь своё имя)
Zelix23: Поставьте 5 звезд пожалуйста,мой друг просто по приколу нажимал на разные кнопки,и отправил
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