2. Закінчити речення.( записати номер речення та слово ) 1) You … feed the cat, it’s hungry. a) may b) must c) shouldn’t 2) We … speak loudly in the hospital. a) have to b) mustn’t c) should 3) If you are hungry, you … have some pizza. a) mustn’t b) could c) should 4) … you give me some water, please? a) Could b) Must c) Should 5) If you are tired, you … go to bed early. a) should b) could c) might 3. Обрати вірну відповідь ( записати номер речення та літеру ) 1) My friend … swimming in a local swimming pool. a) does b) plays c) goes 2) I like watching golf … I can’t play it. a) but b) so c) and 3) Dolly can play the piano … the guitar. a) but b) so c) and 4) Sally … gymnastics and she is good at it. a) goes b) does c) plays 5) My brother can swim well … I can’t. a) so b) and c) but 6) Molly … aerobics in this gym three times a week. a) plays b) does c) goes 7) Nick plays volleyball … basketball. a) but b) and c) because 8) I like comedies … they are funny. a) because b) but c) so 4.Write 6—8 sentences about your PE lessons, what you do at the lessons and why you like/don’t like them. ( написати 6-8 речень про урок фізкультури, чим ви займаєтесь, чи подобається, чи ні )​


Ответ дал: dori1179

Відповідь: 2. 1) b; 2) b; 3) c; 4) a; 5) a

3. 1) c; 2) a; 3) c; 4) b; 5) c; 6) b; 7) c; 8) a

4. We have PE lessons tree times a week. At our PE lessons we do gymnastics, run and jump. We also play volleyball, basketball and football. I like these lessons because I am good at sport games. Most of all I like tennis. But we don't play tennis at PE lessons. There are no swimming pool in our school, so we haven't swimming lessons. I can swim well, but my friends can't.

Пояснення: good luck!

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