1 What are the main differences between the two places to live: a flat in the city and a house in the country?

2 What could be good or bad about living in the city or the countryside?

3 is it better to rent a place or save up and buy your own?

4 Which place would you prefer to live in? Why?


Ответ дал: aslankyzydania


1. in a house you can keep a dog outside, but not in an apartment 2. in the city there are shopping centers but the air is dirty and in the village there is no shopping center but there is clean air 3. I would save up because it’s cool comfortable.



1. в доме можно держать собаку на улице а в квартире нет 2. в городе есть торговые центры но грязный воздух а в деревне нет торгового центра но есть чистый воздух 3. я бы накопил ведь это круто 4. В городе частном доме ведь это очень удобно.

Ответ дал: kraNE7888


1. Heating will probably be better in a flat when you have to heat the furnace yourself in the house. Also in most cases it will be louder in the city rather than in the countryside. (2 differences)

2. Living in the countryside can be difficult because of the distance of shops from your area. But if you like peaceful living and harmony with nature, your home is a great choice.
   Living in the city can be difficult because of the very loud street noises. But if you consider yourself a sociable person, this is a great place to live.

3. Buying your own flat or house is certainly better than renting. Because you will not be dependent on your landlord and you can live there for as long as you like.

4. I'm not old enough to prefer the silence to the loud city streets but it would have been a great experience anyway. The reason why I've chosen city to the countryside is that I am young and energetic and I need somewhere to spend my energy.

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