Task 1 Fill in with there is/there are

1. There ___ thirty students in my class.

2. There ___ some books in my bag. some computers in the library.

3. There __ some computers in the library

Task 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1) Ann always (to remember) to buy bread, milk and her favourite chocolates.

2) Sam (not to listen) to music now. 3) My little brother (to hate) porridge.

4) I (not to do) my homework now.

5) My friend's grandparents (to read) an English text at the moment.

6) His parents (to love) jazz music.


Ответ дал: ezzamarria

1. There are thirty students in my class.

2. There are some books in my bag. some computers in the library.

3. There are some computers in the library.

Task 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1) Ann always remembers to buy bread, milk and her favourite chocolates.

2) Sam isn't listening to music now.

3) My little brother hates porridge.

4) I'm not doing my homework now.

5) My friend's grandparents are reading an English text at the moment.

6) His parents love jazz music.

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