2 Read the texts again. Are the statements True (T), False (F), or is the information Not
Mentioned (NM)?
1 Tony doesn't make a lot of noise when he snores.
2 Tony's wife finds it difficult to wake him up.
3 Lizzie sometimes falls asleep when she's talking.
4 Lizzie doesn't mind having narcolepsy.
5 Robert's problem has a negative effect on his job.
6 Robert never takes his sleeping tablets.

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Ответ дал: ezzamarria

1. Tony doesn't make a lot of noise when he snores. — False. Tony does makes a pretty loud noise when snoring.

2. Tony's wife finds it difficult to wake him up. — False. Tony always wakes up afterwards.

3. Lizzie sometimes falls asleep when she's talking. — Not mentioned.

4. Lizzie doesn't mind having narcolepsy. — False. — Lizzie gets embarrassed about it.

5. Robert never takes his sleeping tablets. — True, these tablets make him feel bad the next day.

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