• Предмет: Физика
  • Автор: angelinalysenko149
  • Вопрос задан 3 месяца назад


Use the correct tense form (Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple):

1. The train __________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

 2. We __________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. Paul __________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.

4. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 8:45.

5. You’re carrying too much. I __________ (to open) the door for you.

6. I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.

7. Don’t worry! I ___________ (not leave) without you. I promise.

8.  We ________ (to leave) for Chernivtsi next week.

Circle the correct answer.
1) Where is Margaret? She ... be at school. Her classes begin at 8:30.
a) must b) mustn’t c) may
2) She ... think that it is a good idea. It’s crazy!
a) can b) can’t c) may
3) The courses in this language school ... begin on 4 September, I know exactly.
a) must b) may c) may not
4) Take an umbrella, it ... rain in the afternoon.
a) can’t b) may c) must
5) I think we ... check everything again before we hand in the project work.
a) may b) should c) mustn’t
6) In England you ... have four seasons for one day.
a) might b) may not c) must

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.
1)You (phone) when I (take) a shower.
2)When I (get) home yesterday, my cat (sleep) on my pillow.
3)I (see) my Art teacher in town yesterday. She (wear) a blue dress and an orange hat!
4)While their children (clean) the table, their mother (wash) the dishes.
5)At 3 p.m. yesterday I (play) tennis.
6)Who (talk) to when I (see) you in the cafeteria yesterday?


Ответ дал: kuspi

Use the correct tense form (Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple):

1. The train will arrive at 12:30.

 2. We will have dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.

3. Paul will fly to London on Monday morning.

4. The English lesson starts at 8:45.

5. You’re carrying too much. I am opening the door for you.

6. I don’t think you will have any problems when you land in Boston.

7. Don’t worry! I won’t leave without you. I promise.

8.  We will leave for Chernivtsi next week.

Circle the correct answer.


2) b

3) a

4) b


6) a

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

1) you phoned when I was taking a shower 

2) when I got home yesterday, my cat was sleeping on my pillow 

3) I saw my Art teacher in town yesterday. She was wearing a blue dress and an orange hat! 

4) while their children were cleaning the table, their mother was washing the dishes

5) at 3p.m. yesterday i was playing tennis 

6) who was talking to when I saw you in the cafeteria yesterday?

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