We never ..... Russian in class.
a) speak; b) speaks; c) spoke; d) speaked.
2. I hope the weather ..... fine this summer.
a) shall be; b) will be; c) will; d) be.
3. He ..... from his trip two days ago.
a) returns; b) returned; c) return; d) will return.
4. My brother never .... for us.
a) waited; b) will wait; c) waits; d) wait.
5. His family ..... in London 5 years ago.
a) live; b) lived; c) lives; d) will live.
6. It ..... very hot today.
a) was; b) is; c) are; d) were.
7. My friend ..... to the cinema a lot.
a) go; b) goes; c) went; d) will go.
8. I ..... them two weeks ago.
a) seen; b) sees; c) saw; d) see.
9. Water ..... at 100 C .
a) boil; b) will boil; c) boils; d) boiled.
10. Who ..... Robinson Crusoe ?
a) write; b) wrote; c) writes; d) writed.
11. Don `t worry, I ..... everything soon.
a) settle; b) shall settle; c) will settle; d) settled.
12. My children always ..... at 8.
a) get up; b) gets up; c) got up; d) will get up.
13. I hope the weather ..... fine next summer.
a) be; b)is; c) will be; d) shall be.
14. Tom often ..... girls’ names.
a) forgets; b) forget; c) forgot; d) will forget.


Ответ дал: r21g3l223wq


1. a) speak

2. b) will be fine

3. b) returned

4. c) waits

5. b) lived

6. a) was

7. b) goes

8. c) saw

9. c) boils

10. b) wrote

11. c) will settle

12. a) get up

13. c) will be

14. a) forgets


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