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Ответ дал: User3587399223


1. 1 since

2 since

3 for

4 since

5 for

6 for

7 for

8 since

9 for

10 since

11 for

12 since

2. 1 How long has he played the drums? He has played the drums since he was six.

2 How long have we had that piano? We have had that piano for four months.

3 How long have they studied music? They have studied music for many years.

4 How long has Maria worked with the band? Maria has worked with the band since last year.

5 How long has that singer lived in New York? That singer has lived in New York since 2010.

6 How long have you liked the Sugababes? I have liked the Sugababes for a long time.

7 How long has he worked at the record company? He has worked at the record company since November.

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