8 Complete the text with the future continuous or future perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

This is my final year at school. Six months from now, I' course, so I 2 (study) at university. It's a three-year (finish) it by the time I'm 22. I'd love a career in nursing, but I want to do some voluntary work before I settle down. In four years' time, perhaps I 3 (help) the victims of a natural disaster somewhere. By the time I'm 26, enough time abroad, and I ^ 5 (find) a good job in a hospital, where I ^ 4 (spend) (think) about coming home. In ten years' time, I hope I (work) with young children. Perhaps I (start) a family by then, and I'll have my own baby to look after! I​


Ответ дал: mrWonderhoy

1. I'll be studying

2. I'll have finished

3. I'll be helping

4. I'll have spent

5. I'll be thinking

6. I'll have found

7. I'll be working

8. I'll have started

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