4 *** Order the words to make questions. Then read the text and write the answers. Hi! My name's Anna and I live in Cairns in Australia, I speak English and I study French and Spanish at school, I also understand Italian, but I don't speak it. My parents are from Italy. They sometimes speak Italian at home and they often watch Italian TV in the evening. New Anna/speak / Turkish/does /? Does Anna speak Turkish? No, she doesn't. York, No. 1 Anna/live/does / Australia /in/? Does Anna Live in Australia Yes, she does 2 study / German/school/ at /does / Anna /? Ooes Anny study Germanat pizzy? school? No, she doesn't 3 languages / Anna / study / does / what/? What does Anna study langua 4 speak / Anna's / parents / Italian/do/?​


Ответ дал: kitome695


Yes,she does

Does Anna study German at school?

No,she doesn't

What does Anna study languages?

She study Frehch and Spanish

Do Anna's parents speak Italian?

yes, they do

eereke835: спасибо большое
yaroslavaobiyuh05: спасибо
ramazanaazbekov53: спасибо бальшое
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