дам 75 балов.Срочно!​


moldovamuuu: я сделала, только прикрепить в виде ответа не смогу, так что вот ссылка на фото: https://ibb.co/T1wrWQ4
PinaColada2024: Tom bought a magazine but didn’t read it.
Do you want me to call you? or Shall I send you a message?
Sue usually goes to school by bus, but she went by metro this morning.
We turned on the tv and we enjoyed the film.
Students came early to school and they were sleepy.
Do you want to come with us? or Do you want to stay at home?


Ответ дал: moldovamuuu




тут прікріпленне зоображення з відповідями

Ответ дал: so291
Tom bought a magazine but he didn’t read it
Do you want me to call you? Or shall I send you a message?
Sue usually goes to school by bus but she went by metro this morning
We turned on the TV and we enjoyed the film
Students came early to school and they were sleepy
Do you want to come with us? Or do you want to stay at home?
Вас заинтересует