A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (survive smoke storm death homeless rubble relieved engine)
1. The rescue team found two more people under the_______this morning.
2. The________caused serious damage to our house.
3. Sandy got into her car, started the _________and drove away.
4. _________is coming out of the volcano. Run!
5. Oliver started crying when he heard about his grandfather's________.
6. Unfortunately, most of the villagers didn't_________the tsunami.
7. I was__________when I saw that nobody had been injured.
8. After the earthquake, 5000 people were left________.​


Ответ дал: madinasajmenova13


1. The rescue team found two more people under the rubble this morning.

2. The storm caused serious damage to our house.

3. Sandy got into her car, started the engine and drove away.

4.Smoke is coming out of the volcano. Run!

5. Oliver started crying when he heard about his grandfather's death.

6. Unfortunately, most of the villagers didn't survive the tsunami.

7. I was relieved when I saw that nobody had been injured.

8. After the earthquake, 5000 people were left homeless.

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