springboard \ spray paints \ taggers \ vandal \ crews \ property \ canvas \
1. People who graffiti their names are called ______ .
2. Graffiti is usually done with _______ .
3. Taggers originally worked in groups called ______ .
4. A piece of heavy fabric on which a painting can be created is called a
5. Something that someone owns is called their ______ .
6. A person who deliberately destroys or damages someone else's property is
called a _______ .
7. If something helps to start an activity or process, we say it is a _______
to doing something.
8. A piece of plastic, cardboard or other material with a design cut into it to
reproduce that pattern is called a _______ .


Ответ дал: inna0123


1. tagger

2. spray paint

3. crews

4. canvas

5. property

6. vandal

7. facilitate

8. stencil

inna0123: ОЙ
andrepchelkin25: иду, хах
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