2 Read the statements and identify the subjects. 1 I had the assessment today and it was really diff cult I couldn't remember how rivers were made, or how to read a map. 2 I'd like to study that at university. I've always been interested in bikings and design, and I'm good at art, too. 3 We had fun. We prepared for the end-of-term play and also did some dancing. 4 My older sister's studying that at university. She's always asking me why I did this or that and trying to understand my mind. 5 Today we had a small fire in the lesson! Josh mixed the test tubes up. 6 I couldn't take part today. Someone had taken my trainers​



Ответ дал: lizonka0106


1. Geography

2. Art

3. Drama

4. Psychology

5. Chemistry

6. PE

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