історію”The funniest School Day in
my Life” (написать историю о самом смешном дне в школе на английском)


Ответ дал: Dlzlxllx


The funniest school day in my life

It was a normal school day, the first lesson. All my classmates were sleepy. We listened carefully to the topic of the lesson. But it so happened that one of my classmates named Borya fell asleep right at the lesson, leaning on the back of a chair. Senya's classmate, who was sitting in the back, decided to play a trick on Borey. He gently pulled the chair by its back and Borya almost fell to the floor, because of which he woke up abruptly and shouted. Everyone in the class laughed, and the teacher looked disapprovingly at Borya and scolded him in front of everyone for bad behavior.


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