НЕ ПРОЛИСТУЙ ДОПОМОЖИ!! Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. Mark (enjoy) playing basketball. 2. A: Hi, Rob. What you (do)? B: I (study). 3. Kate and Mike (want) to buy new posters for their room because they (not like) the old ones. 4. A: Why Beth 5. Lots of people (run)? B: Because she's late for school. (use) the underground every day. ПОЖАЛУСТА ​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. Mark enjoys playing basketball. 2. A: Hi, Rob. What are you doing? B: I am studying. 3. Kate and Mike want to buy new posters for their room because they do not like the old ones. 4. A: Why is Beth running ? B: Because she's late for school. 5 Lots of people use the underground every day. 


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