19 Underline the correct linking word/phrase.
Doreen is 77 years old. She has white hair 1) and/also
blue eyes. She is a kind, friendly lady 2) who/which likes
talking to people 3) and/but making new friends. 4) As
well as/In addition, she enjoys going shopping.
5) However/Moreover, she cannot walk very far 6) as a
result/due to her age, 7) in case/so her daughter takes
her into town every Saturday. They look in the shops,
8) then/after this go for a coffee together.


Ответ дал: Goroux
1. And
2. Who
3. And
4. In addition
5. However
6. Due to her age
7. So
8. Then
Ответ дал: dgoliuk


1) and

2) who

3) and

4) In

5) Moreover

6) due

7) so

8) after

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