Choose T if the statement is true according to the text, and F if it is
7. Lori is sending a letter-cassette because she has a lot of free time.
8. Lori has been to Britain twice.

9. Lori took part in the Midsummer Festival.
10. The weather has been rainy this summer.
11. Lori has already had five swimming lessons.
12. Lori advised Glen not to annoy her chef.

muzartbuharbekov: Тут надо фэлс и тру да?
Аноним: да


Ответ дал: Prababka


Треба аудіо, або текст по якому ці запитання, так нічо не зрозуміло.


Аноним: всм аудио?
Аноним: I was in a bit of a dilemma some time ago. It was over money, of
course. I’m a decorator. I do painting, repair jobs for people. Well a
very good friend of mine bought a shop in High Street... start up a
newsagent’s business. It was an old building... needed a lot of repair
work doing on it. I agreed to take on the job and we agreed a price.
Аноним: Hi, Glenn. Lori is here. Do you recognize my voice? Well, I thought I’d
send you a cassette rather than write you. I don’t have too much time
right now and I guess this’ll be quicker. It was good to hear your news,
Glenn. You sound as if you’ve had a great time. I’ve never been to
Britain but you’re making it sound like I have to go! Here it’s been a
busy summer. We’ve just had the Midsummer Festival. We’ve prepared
for it for some days. It was a good evening, even though it rained most
Аноним: most
of the time. The weather’s been really bad this summer. You’ve

obviously heard about the storms from the newspapers. The waves
were over ten feet high. Oh, by the way, did you know that I’ve been
taking driving lessons? I’ve already had five and I’m doing just fine.
Well, I guess I’d better stop now. Write me soon, Glenn, and don’t
annoy the chef again.
Аноним: это или не это?
Prababka: 7. F
8. F
9. T
10. T
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