Complete the replies with the correct form of the verbs.

1 A: What are you worried about?
B: If I don't find (not find) the house keys, I'll be (be) in trouble!

2 A: Will you wash the car?
B: If i..... (wash) the car, ......(you/give) me some money?
3 A: Where are my glasses?
B: If you.....(look for) them, you ......(find) them!
4 A: What's the capital of Mongolia?
B: ......(you/make) me some coffee if i......(tell) you the answer?
5 A: We're meeting at the café at 7.30.
B: ......(you/wait for) me if I .......(be) late?
6 A: Sheena's invited you to her party.
B: What .......(happen) if I ......(not go) ?​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


2 A: Will you wash the car?B: If I wash the car, will you give me some money? 3 A: Where are my glasses? B: If you look for them, you will find them! 4 A: What's the capital of Mongolia?B: Will you make me some coffee if I tell you the answer? 5 A: We're meeting at the café at 7.30.  B: Will you wait for me if I am late?6 A: Sheena's invited you to her party.B: What will happen if I do not go ?​



Moththth: спасибо большое!
Juliyasha11: пожалуйста
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