1.I am hungry, there is ... soup left in this bowl. 1.a little 2.a lots of 3.a few2.I want to cook omelette, but I need ... more eggs.1.a few 2.a little 3.a lot of 3.This salad isn`t tasty, there is ... salt in it.1.lots of 2.a few 3.a little 4.It is very bad for your health to eat ... fast food.1.a few 2.a lot of 3.a little 5.To cook apple-pie I need ... apples.1.a few 2.a little 6.Yesterday I ate... food. I am on the diet.1.a few 2.a lot of 3.a little 7.Is there … in the house? No, it's empty.1.everybody2.nobody3.anybody
Допоможіть будь ласка дуже терміново!!!
Даю 15 балів ​


Ответ дал: bundina53


1.I am hungry, there is a little soup left in this bowl.

1.a little 2.a lots of 3.a few

2.I want to cook omelette, but I need a few more eggs.

1.a few 2.a little 3.a lot of

3.This salad isn`t tasty, there is a little salt in it.

1.lots of 2.a few 3.a little

4.It is very bad for your health to eat a lot of fast food.

1.a few 2.a lot of 3.a little

5.To cook apple-pie I need a few apples.

1.a few 2.a little

6.Yesterday I ate a little food. I am on the diet.

1.a few 2.a lot of 3.a little

7.Is there anybody in the house? No, it's empty.

1.everybody 2.nobody 3.anybody


Я не знаю, чому салат несмачний (3). Чи багато солі чи мало? Я вибрала "a little". :)

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