Нужна помощь, найти 10 ошибок в тексте Both photos show a bungee jumping scene of any kind. In the first photo, somebody has just jumped from a bridge, as in the second photo the young woman is putting on her safety equipment. It looks to me although she’s having some kind of argument with the man who is with her because her arms are raised in the air and she looks angry. She doesn’t seem to be very keen in doing the jump and it looks like the man is getting impatient while he has to wait, I would tell. Like the second photo where the people look upset and angry, in the first photo everyone seems to be having a good time and the person who is jumping is smiling. All things to consider, I don’t think people shouldn’t put pressure on people to do. things like bungee jumping. It’s not a sport for everyone. If somebody doesn’t really fancy to do it, then the manager ought let them think about it before making them jump, or even give them their money back​


Ответ дал: M0hlik

"Both photos show a bungee jumping scene of any kind." - This sentence is unclear and could be rephrased as "Both photos show a scene of bungee jumping."

"It looks to me although she’s having some kind of argument with the man who is with her because her arms are raised in the air and she looks angry." - "It looks to me as though" or "It appears that" would be more appropriate instead of "it looks to me although."

"She doesn’t seem to be very keen in doing the jump and it looks like the man is getting impatient while he has to wait, I would tell." - The phrase "I would tell" is unnecessary and could be removed.

"Like the second photo where the people look upset and angry, in the first photo everyone seems to be having a good time and the person who is jumping is smiling." - This sentence is awkwardly worded and could be rewritten as "In contrast to the second photo, where the people look upset and angry, everyone in the first photo seems to be having a good time and the person jumping is smiling."

"All things to consider, I don’t think people shouldn’t put pressure on people to do. things like bungee jumping." - This sentence is awkward and could be rewritten as "Considering all of these things, I don't think people should pressure others to do activities like bungee jumping."

"It’s not a sport for everyone." - This phrase is unnecessary and could be removed.

"If somebody doesn’t really fancy to do it, then the manager ought let them think about it before making them jump, or even give them their money back​" - "Ought" should be replaced with "should" and "fancy" should be replaced with "want." This sentence could also be rewritten as "If someone doesn't really want to do it, the manager should allow them to think about it before making them jump or even give them their money back."

There is a missing article before "manager." It should be "the manager."

There is a missing article before "money." It should be "their money."

There is an extra space before the final period, which should be removed.

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