решите номер 14 фотка есть


567428: 1. If it stopped raining, we would be able to go out.
2. They would get very angry if we didn’t visit them.
3. We wish there weren't so many people there.
4. Tom wishes he had enough money to go travelling.
5. If you came at ten tomorrow, you would probably find him in.
6. I wish it weren't raining in the afternoon.
7. If you didn’t give up smoking, you wouldn't be healthy
8. If it had not been warmer, we wouldn't have gone to the seaside.
567428: 9. If we hadn't gone to their party, they would have been very angry.
10. They would have got very tired, if they hadn't gone home in the afternoon.
11. I wish they had come to the party yesterday. It was so interesting there.
kazik98: спс чувак
567428: да не за что, чувак. думаю, что я все правильно сделал


Ответ дал: bayshevt06
1. would be able 2. would get very angry 3. were not 4. had 5. came 6. were not raining 7. wouldn't be 8. would not have gone 9. hadn't went 10. hadn't gone 11. had come
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