Write the sentences in the Past Simple negative

1. She came to school in time. 2. Yesterday we had a test.

3. Last week we went to the circus. 4. Yesterday I did my morning exercises.

5. Yesterday I got up early. 6. I saw my teacher in the bus.

7. I showed my photos to my friend. 8. I spoke to my friend 5 minutes ago.


Ответ дал: merivalwntuk


  1. She didn't come to school in time
  2. Yesterday we didn't have a test
  3. Last week we didn't go to the circus
  4. Yesterday I didn't my homework
  5. Yesterday I didn't get up early
  6. I didn't saw my teacher in bus
  7. I didn't show my photos to my friend
  8. I didn't spoke to my friend 5 minutes ago

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