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Grammar Test.
II v.
I. Open the brackets. Use the Ist Conditional.
1. Mark (help) me tomorrow if he (be) here.
2. If you (have) any trouble, I (give) you a helping hand.
3. Sue (be) better in a few days if she (take) all these medicines.
4. Jane (be unable) to go to work tomorrow if she (feel) bad.
5. If you (get) the tickets, I (go) to the concert with you.
6. The flight (be delayed) if the weather (not change).
7. If the train (arrive) on time, we (not have) to wait.
8. If you (give) me this book, I (read) it.
II. Open the brackets. Use the II Conditional.
1. If we (be) younger, we (take) part in the Olympic Games.
2. If he (tell) me the lie, I never (believe) him any more.
3. What you (do) if you (be) in my place? – I (wait).
4. He (play) this computer game if it (not be) so complicated.
5. If you (leave) your luggage here, I (keep) an eye on it.
6. If Pat (not be) so busy, she (go) to the cinema with you.
7. If the book (not be) so expensive, I (buy) it right now.
8. If you (give) me the film tomorrow, I (return) it after the weekend.


Ответ дал: temur2009


1)will help. Will be

2)will have, Will give

3)will be, Will take


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