IV. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box. Two words are extra.


tour, capital, interest, centre, statue, square, Cathedral

In summer John and Mary decided to visit Kyiv. They started their....from Zoloti Vorota. Besides, they visited Saint Sophia... which is the ... where Prince Yaroslav was buried. In Kyivan Rus it was the... of culture. They liked the ... of Bohdan Khmelnytskiy in front of St. Sophia. They enjoyed visiting museums, galleries and other places of ... of the capital. ЦМРЛЯЮ ПОМОГИТЕ ХОТЬ КТОТО Я ДАМ 20 БАЛОВ ​


Ответ дал: aristoktararistokrat

Лишние слова(по условию) - square,capital

In summer John and Mary decided to visit Kyiv. They started their tour from Zoloti Vorota. Besides, they visited Saint Sophia cathedral which is the place where Prince Yaroslav was buried. . In Kyivan Rus it was the centre of culture.They liked the statue of Bohdan Khmelnytskiy in front of St. Sophia. They enjoyed visiting museums, galleries and other places of interest of the capital.

tennastia885: СПАСИБО ОГРОМНОЕ!!!!
aristoktararistokrat: есть кнопка " спасибо"
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