1 Complete the text with the words. There are two choices you don't need to use. c) boring d) reliable a) selfish b) dishonest e) envious f) hard-working What does being a good friend mean? First of all, be honest and reliable. A (1) person has no chance of having true friends. Keep your promises; do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly don't lie! Lying is when you say , but you never do. Be - (2). If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't talk about it to anyone else. Don't discuss your friend behind his/her back. Don't let others say bad things about your friend. Don't be (3). Be attentive to your friend. Always find time to listen to him/her and do not speak only about your problems. Never be (4) or jealous of your friend. Live by the golden rule: always treat a friend as you want to be treated.​


Ответ дал: aristoktararistokrat

Два лишних варианта( по условию) - c)boring ; f ) hard- working

1) dishonest

2) reliable

3) selfish

4) envious

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