1 Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.
0 I'm not sure if I will get into university with my grades.

a) Laura, are you revising _____ your exam or chatting with your friends?
b) You need to keep _____ with all your homework if you want to get better grades.
c) Marcus is very outgoing and he gets _____ well with his classmates.
d) Oh no! We have to learn all these phrasal verbs _____ heart!
e) I don’t do any work on Sundays because I need to chill _____ before Monday.

2 Choose the correct option.
0 This is Mark; he A responsible for organizing special campaigns and events in the company.
A is B takes C works

a) I believe that only people who ___ well-paid can work efficiently and feel motivated.
A take B are C work
b) Glen _____ from his job because he didn’t get on with his boss!
A left B resigned C fired
c) If the company isn’t profitable at the end of the year, everyone will _____ the sack! A do B get C have
d) The success of a company depends on how people _____ it.
A run B worked C done
e) As an employee here, you can _____ four weeks of paid holiday every year.
A be B take C work
f) Last month we had to _____ overtime to finish an important project on time.
A be B get C do
g) Tina _____ long hours because she has her own business.
A works B makes C takes

3 Complete the sentences. The first letters are given.
0 Unfortunately, many college graduates are u n e m p l o y e d, because there aren’t enough jobs.

a) Rob is a gardener. He works o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in all kinds of weather.
b) A lot of university students have a p _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ job to earn a bit of money.
c) The workers are badly - p______ and they are demanding more money.
d) I am writing to you because I would like to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a job in your office in London.
e) Mrs Smith has r _ _ the c _ _ _ _ _ _ that her family owns for many years. It’s a very successful.

4 Choose the correct option, A, B or C to complete the text.

Franny Hall

At what age do you think you will stop working? Sixty? Seventy-five?
Ninety? People in most countries 0 _____ when they are in their sixties, but that is not the case for Franny Hall, a ninety-year old skiing 1 _____ from New York. Does Franny think her job is 2 _____ ? Not really! She still goes to work every day even though she 3 _____ have an operation on her knee not too long ago. And she’s just as good at skiing as someone half her age. Franny doesn’t have a 4 _____ – she is self employed, working at a school she owns with her daughter. Franny is like a friendly granny on skis. If I 5 _____ skiing lessons, I would ask Franny to teach me!

0 A retire B apply for a job C go on holiday

1 A doctor B training C instructor
2 A tiring B tired C tire
3 A had to B didn’t need to C must
4 A career B boss C work
5 A will need B need C needed



Ответ дал: makason512

a) Laura, are you revising for your exam or chatting with your friends?

b) You need to keep up with all your homework if you want to get better grades.

c) Marcus is very outgoing and he gets along well with his classmates.

d) Oh no! We have to learn all these phrasal verbs by heart!

e) I don’t do any work on Sundays because I need to chill out before Monday.

a) I believe that only people who are well-paid can work efficiently and feel motivated.

b) Glen resigned from his job because he didn’t get on with his boss!

c) If the company isn’t profitable at the end of the year, everyone will get the sack!

d) The success of a company depends on how people run it.

e) As an employee here, you can take four weeks of paid holiday every year.

f) Last month we had to do overtime to finish an important project on time.

g) Tina works long hours because she has her own business.

a) Rob is a gardener. He works outdoors in all kinds of weather.

b) A lot of university students have a part-time job to earn a bit of money.

c) The workers are badly-paid and they are demanding more money.

d) I am writing to you because I would like to apply for a job in your office in London.

e) Mrs Smith has run the company that her family owns for many years. It’s a very successful.

a) retire

b) instructor

c) tire

d) had to

e) work

f) will need

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