Grammar 3 Complete. Use the correct form of have to. O She has to clean her room on Fridays. 1 You (not) ........ ..... believe her story. 2 I............. stay at home with my baby brother tonight. you .. the television. 4 He (not) 5 They (not) every day. 3 shout? I can't hear get up early on Sundays. help in the house Total 5
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Ответ дал: Quarter48


1 You do not have to believe her story.

2 I have to stay at home with my baby brother tonight.

3 Do you have to shout? I can't hear you.

4 He does not have to get up early on Sundays.

5 They do not have to get up early every day.

pyliak2009: безмежно вдячна
Quarter48: Будь ласка
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