My plans for winter break розповідь (6-10 речень)Будь ласка допоможіть!Мені скинути потрібно до 17:00(​


Ответ дал: sserials460

The winter season is loved by many of us. It is my favorite season and thus I eagerly wait for the arrival of this season. The winter break provided during this season enhance the joy of winters for me. The winter break are of a very short period, therefore my family does not plan to go anywhere. I love spending this vacation at home. The break provide us the freedom to sleep until late hours in the morning. We also enjoy different types of dishes that are prepared in winter and served hot. The festivals like New Year and Christmas are great times to enjoy during the winter vacation. I love to go for outings with my family and friends to enjoy and have fun on these occasions.

soomiagolovata: дякую)
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