Let me introduce myself. I’m Nick. I’m a pupil of the seventh form. As all students I go
to school and have many lessons. I must say that I like spending time after lessons. I am a
member of a film club. We often shoot films. In my opinion it’s a lot of fun. We don’t get
together very often, just twice a week. I enjoy it because I am fond of films. Besides I also
go to the park or playground with my friends. I ride a bike. Of course I wear my helmet. I
can play the piano but not very well. I practice two hours a day. My parents are proud me.
1. I am … .
a. teenager; b) schoolboy; c) children
1. I study at … .
a. school; b) kindergarten; c) club
1. I like … .
a. lessons; b) breaks; c) after school activities
1. We visit film club … .
a. two times a week; b) twice a day; c) two hours a day
1. When I ride a bicycle I put on … .
a. sport costume; b) helmet; c) sneakers
1. I … play the music instrument.
a. can’t; b) like; c) can


Ответ дал: thvudu


1) a-teenager

2) a-school

3) c-asa

4) a-2 times a week

5) b-helmet

6) c-can

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