Choose the correct options, A, B or C.
1 My phone's dead. Can you give me the A battery B speaker C charger

2 Let's look for in the forest, such as spiders and bats! A leaves B wildlife C bears

3 A means that everywhere is under water. A drought B flood Churricane

4 The sky is really today. A cloudy Bicy C foggy

5 This film is so I'm really enjoying it! A noisy B exciting C boring

6 Look! It's sunny outside. A changing B being C getting​


Ответ дал: wrcon

1) My phone's dead. Can you give me the charger.

C) charger

2) Let's look for wildlife in the forest, such as spiders and bats!

B) wildlife

3) A flood means that everywhere is under water.

B) flood

4) The sky is really cloudy today.

A) cloudy

5) This film is so exciting. I'm really enjoying it!

B) exciting

6) Look! It's getting sunny outside.

C) getting

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