Find the definition of the word

1. a curriculum

2. a stuff

3. qualification

a) willing to give money, spend time ets, in order to give others pleasure b) people who work for an organization, especially for business

c) the subjects that are taught by a school or things that are studied in a

4. generous 5. an occation

particular subject

d) an important social event or ceremony

e) an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity

2. Put the verb into correct form using Conditionals (I, II), used to + Inf. or Present Perfect-


(to come) to see me tomorrow, I will be glad. (to skate) when he was a child but now, he doesn't. 2. Dan

1. If you

(to be) you, I would buy a new mobile phone. 4. Frank parents will be angry if he

3. If1

5. He

(to fail) his exams.

(to speak) to his friend for an hour.

6. They 7. Jessica (to have) lunch in the canteen since one o'clock. (to go) in for gymnastics but today she is fond of swimming.

8. If Amanda (to listen) to news, she would know about the accident.


Ответ дал: M0hlik

a curriculum: a set of courses comprising a program of study, especially at a school or university

a stuff: this word does not have a clear definition. It could refer to materials or possessions, or it could be used informally to mean "things" in general.

qualification: an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes a person suitable for a particular job or activity

generous: willing to give money, time, etc. in order to give pleasure to others

an occasion: an important social event or ceremony

If you come to see me tomorrow, I will be glad.

Dan used to skate when he was a child, but now he doesn't.

If I were you, I would buy a new mobile phone.

Frank's parents will be angry if he fails his exams.

He has been speaking to his friend for an hour.

They have had lunch in the canteen since one o'clock.

Jessica used to go in for gymnastics, but today she is fond of swimming.

If Amanda had listened to the news, she would know about the accident.

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