помоги плиииз очень срочно надо.... COMPLETE   THE  SENTENCES USING  CORRECT  FORMS: He  made  me ( to do )  it  all  over  again. If  you  want  us (to get ) there before dark you should  let us  ( to start )  at once. Would  you  like  me ( to go)  now? I  heard  the door  (to open )  and  saw a  shadow  (to move )  across  the floor. I was not allowed  (to take part ) in  the competition.


Ответ дал: Erio

He  made  me doing  it  all  over  again. If  you  want  us to get  there before dark you should  let us   start  at once. Would  you  like  me to go  now? I  heard  the door  opening and  saw a  shadow   moving  across  the floor. I was not allowed to take part  in  the competition.

Ответ дал: zorbing

He  made  me do it  all  over  again. If  you  want  us to get there before dark you should  let us start at once. Would  you  like  me to go now? I  heard  the door open and  saw a  shadow  move/moving across  the floor. I was not allowed  to take part in  the competition.

make smb do smth - заставить кого-то делать что-то

let smb do smth - разрешить кому-то делать что-то

want / would like / expect + Ving

see / watch / notice / hear / feel + V/Ving

to be allowed to do smth

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