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Прочитай листа. Напиши відповідь на нього (60-80 слів).


I heard that you`re going to visit the palace.

Do you mean if I come with you?

What day are you going?

What time are you planning to leave home in the morning?

How will we get there?

How much does it cost?

Would you like to do some other sightseeing or go bowling or something as well?

Shall I bring some snacks?

Let me know what you think.


Ответ дал: M0hlik

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your message and the invitation to visit the palace with you. I would love to join you on this trip.

Could you please let me know what day and time you are planning to visit the palace? Also, how do you plan on getting there and how much does it cost?

As for additional activities, I am open to suggestions. If you have any ideas for other sightseeing or leisure activities, such as bowling, I would be happy to consider them.

Additionally, if you would like, I can bring some snacks for us to enjoy during the trip. Please let me know your thoughts on this and any other details I should be aware of.

I look forward to hearing back from you and making plans for our trip to the palace.


[Your Name]

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