I. Write down the names of the sports in the correct column.

Hockey, swimming, football, skiing, gymnastics, water polo, tobogganing, yachting, cricket, cycling, boating, table tennis, ski-jumping, athletics, skating, basketball, baseball, tennis, badminton, boxing, racing, running.
II. Write down the sports we can play/do/go. Use the table of Ex. I

We can play We can do We can go

III. Make up sentences .

IV. This coffee/ made/ was/ Brazil/in.
V. last/ millions/ of tourists/ year/visit/ Museums of London/were/by
VI. served/ Dinner/ was/ at/ 7 p.m.
VII. Olympic Games/ organized/were/ancient Greeks/by
VIII. golf/ is/ played/ Nowadays/ the/ world/ all/ round


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


We can play: hockey, football, cricket, water polo, table tennis, basketball, baseball, tennis, badminton.

We can go swimming, skiing, ski- jumping, tobogganing, yachting,cycling, boating, skating, racing, running.

We can do gymnastics, do athletics, do boxing,

3. 1. This coffee was made in Brazil.

2. Museums of London were visited by millions of tourists last year.

3. Dinner was served at 7 p.m.

4. Olympic Games were organized by ancient Greeks. 5. Nowadays golf is played all round the world.


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