You have recently moved to a new house. Write an email to your friend in which you:

tell him/her about your new house/flat;
tell him/her about the new cinema you found in that district;
share your plans for the weekend;
invite your friend to visit you on holidays.
Write no less than 100-120 words.

A letter to a friend

When you finish your letter, check if you have…

• mentioned and developed each element of the task?
• followed the advice in the Writing Strategy?
• checked the spelling and grammar?


Ответ дал: M0hlik

Dear [Friend],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know that I recently moved to a new house and I am absolutely loving it! The location is great and there are so many things to do in the area. I just discovered a new cinema that opened up down the street and I'm planning on checking it out this weekend. Speaking of the weekend, I was hoping to invite you to come visit me over the holidays. It would be great to catch up and spend some quality time together. Let me know if you are interested and we can start planning the details.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


[Your Name]

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