1 Complete the comparative sentences so that they are true. Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets and add any other necessary words. 1 An elephant is much_ (big) a mouse. (warm) autumn in the UK. 2 Winter is 3 Midday is_ (early) than midnight. 4 A warm is (long) a snake. 5 At 3,776 m, Mount Fuji is 6 A cup of coffee is much 7 A car is (high) Mount Ararat, which is 5,137 m. (hot) an ice cream. (cheap) a bicycle.
Mark: 2 Read the fact file and complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives below. There is one extra adjective. FACT FILE: Did you know? The summit of Mount Everest: 8,848 m above sea level → Vatican City: area 0.44 km² → The city of San Pedro Sula in Honduras: 3 murders per day The Pink Star diamond: sold for £51.7 million in 2014 The cheetah: runs at speeds of 70-75 mph Jeanne Calment: aged 122 in 1997 Plateau Station, Antarctica: average annual temperature -56.7°C cold dangerous expensive fast high old powerful small 1 Mount Everest is mountain in the world. 8 Vatican City is 9 San Pedro Sula is 10 The Pink Star diamond is 11 The cheetah is 12 Jeanne Calment is 13 The Plateau Station in Antarctica is country in the world. city in the world. diamond in the world. animal on the planet. person on record. place in the world. ​
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