Помогите пожалуйста,надо на завтра(
1. What kinds of schools are there in Britain? 2. What do you know about grades in British schools?

3. How many terms are there in the British school?

4. What do the students have in summer?

5. What holidays do British students have 2 weeks free at? 6. What includes primary education in Britain?

7. What age does the compulsory secondary education start at? 8. Where do most British children get their secondary education?

9. Where can pupils go at 16 after leaving school?

10. What should the students pass if they want to enter the university? 11. What do they call schools where they can live and learn?

12. When do students start their compulsory education? 13. What's the percentage of students who attend private schools?

14. What's the main aim of primary education?

15. What do the students wear if they attend a state school?

16. When do the lessons start and finish?

17. Which are the three core subjects in the curriculum? 18. Which 2 important exams do students do in secondary school?

19. What do we call the year some students decide to travel or get some

work experience instead of going to university?

20. What do the students do when they pass their final exams?


Ответ дал: abbatovaliza


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