Write a paragraph of 80-100 words. Use appropriate type of paragraph and the corresponding type of ordering
A substantial breakfast is an essential foudation for a successful day for the Ukrainians
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Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny

For the Ukrainians, a substantial breakfast is crucial for setting the foundation for a successful day. This type of paragraph is known as a topic sentence paragraph, where the main idea is stated in the first sentence and the following sentences provide supporting details or examples. In this case, the main idea is that a substantial breakfast is important for Ukrainians and the reason for this is provided in the following sentence. By starting with a clear and concise main idea, the reader is able to easily understand the purpose of the paragraph and can follow the logic of the writer's arguments.

відміть відповідь як найкращу будьласка.

valiama: Тільки спочатку йде про українців, потім про текст, потім знову про сніданок для українців і знову про текст, якось не цілісно він виглядає
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