Transform an adjective to an adverb and complete the sentences. Example: He drives _________(danderous). - He drives dangerously. a. Mariam can type _______ (fast) b. My sister can do these exercises _______(easy). c. Students study _______ for exams (hard). d. The new worker works very ______ (slow). 2. Write down the opposites. Example: big- small a. Beautiful- _______ b. funny-_________ c. different-__________. d. dry-_________ 3. Change the verbs from the Present Simple to the Past Simple. Example: They visit an art gallery.- They visited an art gallery. a. I don't phone my friends. b. Abdulla wants to go to the cinema. c. You don't like the film. d. Dinara waits for the bus. 4. Find the past tense of these verbs. Are they regular (R) or irregular (I)? Example: arrive- arrived/ take- took a. play-_______ b. fall-________ c. go-________ d. wash-_______ e. want-_______ f. sell-_________ g. walk-_______ h. wear-________ помогите пожалуйста срочно да 25 баллов​


Ответ дал: gulsana899



я знаю это щас отправлю но ты сожеш скачать какой-то приложение и всё очень просто!

sumayauldasheva912: а какое приложение?
yasminasabirova123: Млслсдпьмдммьпт
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