Complete the passage with suitable words. 1. I always been very fit and healthy, and I have 2. 3. 4. However, a couple of weeks .., I caught the flu. I must admit that until then, I 5. ........... not realised just how unpleasant the flu could be. I had a high temperature for nearly a week, and my whole body hurt. I don't think I have felt so miserable. It's taking me ages to get my strength back. It really bothers me that I haven't had enough energy to play football I got ill. In fact, I have 7.. been to the doctor to ask if it's normal to feel weak for so long. He says I'll soon feel better. Apparently I'm lucky. For some people, especially the old and the weak, the flu can be very serious. Doctors have tried 6. ..... 8. .... years to find a cure for the flu, 9. had a serious illness. www. but they haven't found one Fortunately, researchers have developed a vaccine which gives effective protection against the disease. According to my doctor, most of his elderly patients have 9160 10. ...... received their flu shots.​


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


I 1) have always been very fit and healthy, and I have 2) never had a serious illness. However, a couple of weeks 3) ago, I caught the flu. I must admit that until then, I 4) had not realised just how unpleasant the flu could be. I had a high temperature for nearly a week, and my whole body hurt. I don't think I have 5) ever felt so miserable. It's taking me ages to get my strength back. It really bothers me that I haven't had enough energy to play football 6) since I got ill. In fact, I have 7) already been to the doctor to ask if it's normal to feel weak for so long. He says I'll soon feel better. Apparently I'm lucky. For some people, especially the old and the weak, the flu can be very serious. Doctors have tried 8) for years to find a cure for the flu, but they haven't found one. 9) Yet fortunately, researchers have developed a vaccine which gives effective protection against the disease. According to my doctor, most of his elderly patients have 10) already received their flu shots.​


Я всегда 1) был в хорошей форме и здоров, и у меня 2) никогда не было серьезных заболеваний. Однако пару недель 3) назад я подхватил грипп. Должен признаться, что до этого момента я 4) не осознавал, насколько неприятным может быть грипп. Почти неделю у меня была высокая температура, болело все тело. Я не думаю, что 5) когда-либо чувствовал себя таким несчастным. Мне нужно много времени, чтобы восстановить силы. Меня очень беспокоит, что у меня не хватает сил играть в футбол 6) с тех пор, как я заболел. На самом деле, я 7) уже был у врача, чтобы спросить, нормально ли чувствовать слабость так долго. Он говорит, что я скоро поправлюсь. Видимо мне повезло. Для некоторых людей, особенно пожилых и слабых, грипп может быть очень серьезным. Врачи пытались 8) в течение многих лет найти лекарство от гриппа, но так и не нашли его. 9) Тем не менее, к счастью, исследователи разработали вакцину, которая обеспечивает эффективную защиту от болезни. По словам моего врача, большинство его пожилых пациентов 10) уже получили прививки от гриппа.

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