14 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
1 I want to buy a (big) desk, so I can see my notes and my books at the same time. 2 My new chair is (comfortable) than the one I used to have in my bedroom. 3 My eyes don't hurt now when I read because I'm using (bright) lamp. a 4 I can use several programs at the same time on that (good) computer. 5 This year, our teacher chose (interesting) books, so our classes are more fun. 6 I need a (large) notebook because this one is almost full! 7 I'm going to ask my friends to recommend some (cool) music to listen to when I (expensive) laptop study. My music is quite boring. 8 lasked for a because I need more storage space. ​


Ответ дал: MayaMam


1. Bigger

2. More comfortable

3. Brighter

4. Better

5. More interesting

6. The biggest

7. Cooler, more expensive


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